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By Uc67 SHARE |

Posted 2023-12-24

Once upon a time, there was a happy family. One day, the children, John and Mary decided to go rent a boat and do some fishing as their house was close to the sea.

John and Mary had forgotten to check the weather forecast before they left, and they had so much fun, they didn't even notice the sky had started getting dark as rain clouds came in. It started raining and the boat got tossed around until it was far from civilization.

There is one character we haven't talked about, His name is Casey. He is John and Mary's Parrot. Once the storm was over, the kids sent Casey to get help. He arrived at a beach town some distance away where he saw a farmer. He swooped in and grabbed the farmer's hat, making the farmer notice him. This hat was very precious to the farmer, as it was his late father's hat. 

Once Casey saw he had the farmer's attention, he flew to where John and Mary where, with the farmer chasing him in his boat. The farmer saw John and Mary and took them into town. He called their parents who came after a few hours to pick them up.

From there on, John and Mary always remembered to check the weather forecast and Casey always came with them.

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